Five Keys to Dealing with Depression by Gregory L. Jantz
While I have many family members and friends that have had
bouts of depression, even I myself have suffered. My main reason for reading
for this book by Dr. Jantz was to seek out some new insights on depression for
a friend. God is so amazing. Only last week one of my ladies asked me to teach
Daniel for our next bible study. Of course the first chapter of Daniel talks
about the healthy appearance of the four Hebrew boys that decided not to eat
rich food and wine. Then I begin to read the Five Keys to depression and on
page 89 is a quote from Daniel 1:15. Key # 4 is Physical Healing and one
authority says not to be too quick to diagnose depression until the physical
conditions have been assessed. I had no idea all of the medical and health
conditions that could contribute to depression. Diabetes, hypoglycemia, sleep
apnea, hormonal imbalance all can be a trigger for symptoms of depression. Even environmental factors in our water
pipes, carpet, and paints can be harmful.
But the good news was healthy eating with a diet not unlike young Daniel
and his friends had chosen. Once I even tried the Daniel fast for healing and
was quite pleased with the results. We are told a common soda can be used to
clean you copper pots or your car battery. Hmm, what’s in that stuff? At any
rate natural foods free of additives are definitely better for our health. We should be
careful what we put in our bodies. Exercise and sleep will help improve your
mood, but I think key # 5 Spiritual Support has to have the greatest impact on
the physical and mental health of a person. We all can have highs and lows. It
is natural to be depressed if you lose four members of your immediate family in
a matter of months, but clinical depression goes beyond a feeling of sadness.
It is debilitating and affects all areas of life and those we love. Prayer is a
wonderful habit and God is the only one who can change a person who is mired in
the deepest and darkest depression. While Christians are not immune to disease
or depression we do have divine help available. The points included in the last
chapter of this book are my favorite and I think the most useful. This book was
given to me for my review by Rose Publishing.
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