Friday, October 13, 2017

Kidz: 50 Top Memory Verse Lessons

This teacher's book with 208 pages that utilize music, science, physical activities, and even snacks to illustrate Godly truths in short teachable memory verses. I could use some of these lessons for myself. Creative crafts and games show children how to relate God's Word to circumstances in their lives at home and at school. The delightful Valentine garland with "Love thy neighbor" would be great for the children church in February. Since they are a diverse age group there is a variety of activities and games for the children to enjoy. I know those rowdy little boys will love the balloon stomp while learning to "Fear Not." Home activities will help the children in the neighborhood carry home biblical truths. The note is non-threatening to unbelieving parents yet is a simple as a walk on a Fall day to look at God's creation. The coloring sheet for "God created the heaven and the earth" can be used by preschoolers and through elementary ages. This is a delightful resource with many reproducible pages including crossword puzzles, wordfinds, picture puzzles, and handy charts to use at church or at home. Our small church is always looking for something appropriate for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. This book fit the bill. Thank you Hendrickson Rose for allowing me to review this resource for free.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

8 Things Every Woman Should Know About Depression

Gary H. Lovejoy, MA, MRE, Ph.D., was a professor of psychology and a professor of religion at Mt. Hood Community College for 32 years and has had a private practice in professional counseling for more than 38 years. Part one explains the definition of depression and has checklists to help determine severity. Parts two and three shares different causes of depression and how our relationships in our childhood, our marriages, and our workplace affect our emotional health. The author defines depression as an “emotional alarm system telling you that something is wrong or damaging and needs your attention.” He suggests developing better coping skills; reach out for help, and making basic changes in their normal routines or by experimenting with new ways of responding to others. This resource has many charts and statistics which could be helpful to different users. As a discipleship coach for Search for Jesus, depression is one of the main reasons women seek help. That is why part 4 is so important to me. I believe after all is said and done about depression, the only sure cure is a relationship with Jesus. But my favorite section is Part 4: The Therapy and Theology of Hope. “A person’s spiritual life profoundly influences both the causes and the effects of depression.” I teach adult women's bible study. Even members of the church can fall victim to depression. I am thankful I have this pdf for use when talking to women in depression. The  resource will be useful with both my ministries. Lovejoy gives examples of biblical characters in the throes of depression and shows how God addressed the causes of their depression with different divine methods. Who can forget the gentle whisper of God to Elijah? Jesus shows His comfort and compassion to Mary and Martha upon the death of their brother. Jesus demonstrated His humanity when he wept. This information is needed to show women it is alright to talk to God about their problems. This resource was given to me by Hendrickson/Rose Publishing exchange for a fair and honest review.

Friday, October 6, 2017

7 Ways to Choose Healing by Stephen Arterburn

7 Ways to Choose Healing by Stephen Arterburn
One part of the book on page 25 caused me to be alert as I read this book. (The Biggest Lie “All I need is God and no one else. If you believe this, you must reject it immediately. It will keep you from healing.”) There were scriptures sprinkled among the pages and lip service given to God. But I could immediately tell this book was written by someone who depended more on counseling and support groups than on God. In the Affirmation on pages 117-129 the pronoun “I” is used 69 times in 659 words. “God” was only used 9 times.
The section on forgiveness was well done. I have learned through my divorce, that bitterness and unforgiveness were more damaging to me than to my spouse. We only hurt ourselves when we cling to the justification of our hurt. Let go and let God take care of the issue. The reason we forgive is not to let the other person off the hook. It is to allow you to heal and move on with your life. “Forgiving has nothing to do with whether or not the person wants to be forgiven or deserves it. You forgive freely so you can be free.”
The Forty Day challenge is my favorite part of this booklet.  It starts with a very short Opening Prayer. The Affirmation was intriguing but basically self-affirming. This PDF was given for an honest and fair review.

Monday, October 2, 2017

The Transformed Heart, “What the Bible says about the Heart,”

Many of my senior adult friends are having heart problems. Just last week one friend had a heart attack. These days our conversations include terms like “cardial infarction” and procedures like Angiogram/Cardiac Catheterization. This pamphlet provoked a new thought process for me. The Transformed Heart, “What the Bible says about the Heart,” shows us we need to recognize the signs of an unhealthy spiritual heart.  As time draws near for our exit from this earthly realm, we need to prepare for our “Home Going.” Most Christians have asked Jesus into their heart, but we need to address our spiritual heart issues. One colorful chart helps us examine the condition of the heart and a question to ask. Example: a hard heart Ephesians 4:18. Question: Am I resistant to God's word or will? A bright red heart shape draws our attention to Our external life: What we say and what we do. Our internal life: What trips us up; what drives us; what we try to hide. Spiritual heart care is vital in a Christian’s life. Six questions are provided to help you assess your current heart condition. My favorite section of the pamphlet is the detailed charts showing the “Marks of a Transformed Heart.” The orange colored charts have descriptive meanings and include scripture that illustrates that trait. Example: a delightful heart, Psalm 37:4 "to be satisfied in God at the core of your being." John 15:5 reminds us that apart from Jesus we can do nothing to change our own heart. As the Holy Spirit reveals an unhealthy heart habits, we must acknowledge our sin and renounce bad attitudes and habit. This would be a great Sunday School lesson for my women’s class. Henderson/Rose publishing gave me this PDF for an honest and fair review.

Kings and Prophets Timeline Pamphlet

What a privilege to review this PDF of the Kings and Prophets Timeline Pamphlet! In my current thirty-week bible study, we did a quick review of the Kings of Judah and Israel. Now I am studying the prophets-one every week. During this past month, I have searched for an all-inclusive resource such as this one. I like the timeline which shows the overlapping of the Kings of Northern and Southern Kingdoms. It is also helpful to note which prophets served specific kings. Across the bottom of the timeline are listed four major sections of time: the United Kingdom 1051–931 bc, Divided Kingdom 931–586 bc, Exile 586–516 bc, and Restoration 516–430 bc. Thank you for making this difficult time in Bible history easy to understand. This is wonderful since it gives me a clear picture of which kings and prophets were active during the four periods. My study is titled Back to Jerusalem so this pamphlet is perfect to cover the entire 30 weeks. This resource was given to me for an honest and fair review by Henderson/Rose Publishing.