Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Life of Moses 19 page pamphlet

Recently I read the historical fiction about Moses’ sister Miriam. Though fiction it did given insight into the lifestyle of Egyptian slaves and life in the palace of the Pharaoh. Who can forget the parting of the Red Sea on the movie screen? As preschooler we learned of Moses in the bulrushes. Chosen by God, placed in the Egyptian palace to receive an education which would later allow Moses to return and free the nation of Israel from slavery. Forty years in the desert God refined Moses into someone He could use. The pamphlet on Moses was enlightening, especially the information about Egypt and their culture. The chart comparing Moses with Israel on page 3 and an even more detailed chart on page 13 on Moses and Christ are very thorough and will be an excellent resource for bible teachers and students. Moses was someone who talked with God and was a friend of God; however Moses received a severe punishment for offending God when Moses struck the rock to produce water. Though we may never know the reason for God’s severe judgment, page eleven offers several feasible scenarios. I enjoyed the writers take on this material. The map is excellent and has six different colored routes of the Exodus and the possible location of Mt. Sinai. I was given this pdf for my honest opinion in the review from Rose Publishing.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Five Keys to Dealing with Depression by Gregory L. Jantz

Five Keys to Dealing with DepressionWhile I have many family members and friends that have had bouts of depression, even I myself have suffered. My main reason for reading for this book by Dr. Jantz was to seek out some new insights on depression for a friend. God is so amazing. Only last week one of my ladies asked me to teach Daniel for our next bible study. Of course the first chapter of Daniel talks about the healthy appearance of the four Hebrew boys that decided not to eat rich food and wine. Then I begin to read the Five Keys to depression and on page 89 is a quote from Daniel 1:15. Key # 4 is Physical Healing and one authority says not to be too quick to diagnose depression until the physical conditions have been assessed. I had no idea all of the medical and health conditions that could contribute to depression. Diabetes, hypoglycemia, sleep apnea, hormonal imbalance all can be a trigger for symptoms of depression.  Even environmental factors in our water pipes, carpet, and paints can be harmful.  But the good news was healthy eating with a diet not unlike young Daniel and his friends had chosen. Once I even tried the Daniel fast for healing and was quite pleased with the results. We are told a common soda can be used to clean you copper pots or your car battery. Hmm, what’s in that stuff? At any rate natural foods free of additives are definitely better for our health. We should be careful what we put in our bodies. Exercise and sleep will help improve your mood, but I think key # 5 Spiritual Support has to have the greatest impact on the physical and mental health of a person. We all can have highs and lows. It is natural to be depressed if you lose four members of your immediate family in a matter of months, but clinical depression goes beyond a feeling of sadness. It is debilitating and affects all areas of life and those we love. Prayer is a wonderful habit and God is the only one who can change a person who is mired in the deepest and darkest depression. While Christians are not immune to disease or depression we do have divine help available. The points included in the last chapter of this book are my favorite and I think the most useful. This book was given to me for my review by Rose Publishing.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Christian Symbols

As a teenager in the Baptist church we worked with styrofoam and glass gold beads to create Chrismon ornaments from the patterns developed by Mrs. Frances Kipps Spencer. My ladies group at church decided that we would make Chrismon ornaments for our sanctuary tree. In the past ten years I have rekindled my love for the symbols of Christ and use only those to decorate my Christmas tree. A local suppliers in Salisbury, NC sells the patterns, church kits, and individual ornaments kits. It is exciting to visit churches around the area and see the symbols of Christ decorating the huge Christmas trees. The church where I teach a ladies bible study has two gorgeous tree literally covered in symbols. Their Chrismon of the Hand of God is very elaborate and detailed. Someone asked me what it represented. Now I know. Also on their tree was and orb and cross/Triumphant Cross. Just this year I determined to add to my collection. The triquetra, also called the Trinity Knot, was fashioned in white pearls and another in gold beads. A Lamb of God/Agnus Dei is one of my favorites, a crown, and star of David were new to my tree this year. This pamphlet is such a useful tool for teaching others about the life of Christ through symbols. To think Emperor Constantine promoted the Chi Roi by having the symbol painted on the soldiers’ shields as they entered the battle to reclaim Rome. One of my favorite symbols is the Ichthus using the Greek word for fish as an acrostic for Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior. I jumped at the chance to review this pamphlet on Christian symbols. Thank you Rose Publishing for giving me this pamphlet in a pdf file.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Five Keys for Raising Boys by Gregory L. Jantz

Five Keys for Raising Boys was interesting reading. Times have indeed changed from when I went to school because the worry was for girls succeeding in math and science and later entering the workplace as equals. The section on gray matter and white matter existing in the brain was a new concept to me. The analogy of men’s brains is more like the boxes in a waffle and focusing on one task at a time and women’s brains are more seamless and transition easily like noodles intertwining on a plate made sense to me. Mothers often carry a crying baby, fix dinner, and talk on the phone all at the same time. I have noticed my sons and grandsons zoned out on video games or television when you ask them to take out the trash. The hints on page 20 are good. I like for the boys to look me in the eyeball when I am talking. Also be kind enough to let you son come to a stopping point in his game. He will be more cooperative. Boys and girls are indeed differently. God made us differently to propagate the world. As the author talks about our plumbing being different, I remember making the discovery about male and female connections in mechanical parts and electrical connections. Although homosexuality was not mentioned or addressed it did come to mind when talking about differences in the genders. Although women are characterized as having a Talk-About-It mode; I too have a Fix-it Mode. The author Gregory L. Jantz has a PHD but he also include many references and studies with 36 notations on the last pages. There was a lot of information stated as fact, but I will have to study more before I can debate the validity. This resource was given to me by Rose Publishing for an honest opinion.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Flight of Arrow by Lori Benton

A Flight of Arrows book two in the Path Finders by Lori Benton had much more historical information on many tribes of Native American warriors and part they played in the Revolutionary War. Several times in the middle of the book I became bogged down with the different military generals, battles, green coats and campaigns. My fortitude to plunder through was rewarded with an ending so remarkable no one could see it coming. The Woods Edge introduced us to the two families separated by culture but joined by love and persistence. It was several years ago that I did a review for the first book and the unbelievable transformation of each of those character is only by the grace of God and belief in His son Jesus. Wonderful and praiseworthy for Christian historical fiction. Thank you Waterbrook for giving me this book to review and to Lori Benton for her creative talent used for the glory of God.

Reproducible Instant Bible Lesson for Preteens My Master's Plan

Though I had not requested this book My Masters Plan to review, it looked interesting. By the time I finished looking through the 94 pages of this book I already had a list of people who would love the instant lessons. My friend doing crafts for VBS would love the wrapped cross, symbol cross mosaic, and expressions bracelet. Simple and easy crafts are always welcome. Our Children’s church leaders could use the different skits and the activity that accompany them. Finally, my daughter is taking some time off this summer to spend with her sons. She will enjoy the lessons, crafts and games to occupy the boys with biblical truths. My personal favorites were the lessons on forgiveness and compassion. After teaching to the gospel of Matthew for the last year, I was excited to see all the scripture verses and lessons using Matthew. Wish I had this resource before. Student lessons often reach the heart of the truth that we as adult learners lose as we try too hard to understand the scriptures. Rose Publishing gave me this book for my honest opinion.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cool Devotions for Guys entitled “Gotta Have God. “

Gotta Have God Boys Devotional -- Ages 10-12This year has been tough on my grandsons emotionally and I thought this devotion for boys would be encouraging. Cool Devotions for Guys entitled "Gotta Have God." The book begins having the boys think about how special they are by listing their talents and gifts. They develop a Coat of Arms for their family and work on activities to discover who they are in Christ. Four major problems are discussed; Fear, Anger, Sadness, and Worry. Brief devotions include a verse of scripture and a one sentence prayer just enough for a boy this age. One section I am partial to includes twenty positive characteristics including Humility, Reverence, and Responsibility. It provides scenarios where the boys have to make a choice about the situation which will define their character. Word Finds, Crossword puzzles, Fill in the Blank sentences, and many interesting activities reinforce the teaching for being the best they can be. The section titled “My Journey with God” includes prayer, reading the Bible, Abiding in Christ, and Evangelism. What a wonderful book so full of information and guidelines preteen boys need to ground them in the Truth before going into High School. My younger grandson will better learn Christian values from this book and I think he will enjoy the puzzles and activities. This book was given to me by Rose Publishing for my honest appraisal.