Monday, May 1, 2017

Ruth PowerPoint

My pastor’s wife wants me to teach the book of Ruth for our next bible study. I had reviewed the several resources about Ruth. This PowerPoint presentation and its’ supplemental resources are just what I need. There is a helpful table explaining Hebrew meanings of the main characters names. This adds details that seem almost prophetic. The death of Naomi’s husband and her sons present a dilemma for a widow has no right to property. The cultural tradition requires Opal and Ruth to remain with her mother-in-law Naomi in her plight, but Naomi releases the women to return to their own families. The Hebrew word hesed means loving kindness and mercy, yet Ruth takes loyalty, compassion, and love beyond what is simply required. We can see the love of Christ in this story. The explanation of traditions and treatment of women in that culture gives insight to the difficult situation of Naomi and Ruth even more so than the trial of Job. Rose allowed me to review this resource for my honest opinion.

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