Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Complete Kit For The Tabernacle 6-Session DVD Bible Study

 Complete Kit For The Tabernacle 6-Session DVD Bible Study

The best Tabernacle Study I've seen.
This summer I dove into studies of the Tabernacle. Attempting a workbook study without the videos was dry and left me wanting. The organization of the six DVD lessons with Pastor Barnard made the whole experience come alive. The incredible parallels between the tabernacle and Jesus Christ educated me as no other study has done. As a bible teacher, the quality of the resources on the DVD were priceless. The full color illustrations, the temple cutaway, and the detailed priestly garments were treasures. The participants sheets will help listeners remember the fine points made in th lectures and cement the comparisons made in the study. Pastor Barnard is passionate in his delivery and the videos of the life size replica of the Tabernacle made it so real. It was easier to understand the actual size and details in the separate items in the outer court and the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, especially the veil. These 6 sessions illuminated the perfect pattern of worship created by God in the tabernacle.

Twelve Tribes of Israel pamphlet

Twelve Tribes Of Israel Pamphlet
Concise information
Very pleased with the synoptic information on the twelve tribes of Israel. As a bible study teacher this pamphlet is just what I needed as I studied the Tabernacle and searched the internet for a legible visual to show the arrangement of the tribes around the tabernacle. Symbols and stones are another of my studies. I made gemstone bracelets using Revelation 21:19-21 and the foundation stones of New Jerusalem. It is remarkable that the stones on the breastplate are so clearly defined for each tribe. Though I haven’t studied that much about the first and second census but that is good to know. The timeline is always a great study tool when teaching the Old Testament. The brochure is colorful and inviting with bright colors and bold lettering for each of the tribes. The inclusion of Joseph is important to me because most resources assume that everyone knows where the half tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim originated. This is a splendid resource and a must for bible teachers of the Old Testament. 6/20/14

Believer's Baptism

Believer's Baptism Pamphlet
Good information for new believers
This cover photo of this pamphlet is very appealing. Water and use for its purification is clearly explained as well as the symbolism of immersion in baptism. I really like the use of color for the different pages of the pamphlet. The photos used with many topics enhance the understanding of the reader. The bold white text across the top with the dark background is sure to grab the attention of someone browsing for information. The inclusion of the Apostles’ Creed is good since so many mega churches forget about the foundations of our faith. My concern is new Christians are not being taught the tenets of our faith. Including scripture verses to validate the information is important in a resource when witnessing or sharing with a newly converted person. I like the explanation of baptism being in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The two pages of Frequently Asked Questions is quite useful and simple to understand. The bulleted text stands out as important information

Book of Hebrews Pamphlet

Hebrews PamphletChrist is Supreme
Hebrews is one of my favorite books in the Old Testament. The fact that the author is uncertain is a not a big issue for me because it is truly from the hand of God. The book of Hebrews is divided into seven sections, most explain the supremacy of Jesus Christ over angels, Moses, and earthly priests. Christ fulfills our need for an advocate before the Father. His sacrifice changes the way we worship. The insets on the page of the booklet are colorful and draw attention to the important text. Charts clearly show the comparisons of Moses and Jesus, Human priest to Christ as High priest, and Melchizedek to Christ. Melchizedek is one of the interesting characters in the Old Testament to whom Moses paid tithe. The chart gives us more detail into his person and purpose. The New Covenant and the New Tabernacle are explained as well the supremacy of Christ’s once and for all sacrifice. Sections five lists the heroes of Hebrew 11. Good instruction for Christian living and perseverance in suffer

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn by Lori Benton

Living in North Carolina and and teaching NC history, I welcomed the chance to read this historical fiction, the Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn. My preference is a strong female character instead of a wimpy, whining women. Tamsen surely fit the bill. She was a ball of fire and bit too headstrong for her cruel demanding step-father. He was abusive to her mother and selfishly attempted to marry Tamsen off to a wealthy land owner from Virginia. Fate placed Cade and Jesse Bird in her path as she tried to escape the wrath of Hezekiah Parrish. Fleeing Charlotte Towne after the murder of her mother, she carries her mother's secrets with her in a metal box. A shocking revelation ends the book well. Bravo.

Feast of Passover DVD

Passover DVD Bible Study
ISBN: 9781596367289
Product Code: 044DV
This DVD last 35 minutes and is part one of a six part study of the Feasts of the Passover. I ordered this DVD while studying the Jewish feasts in the book of Deuteronomy.
Dr. Sam Nadler grew up in a Jewish home but did not understand the meaning of the Feast of the Passover for Christians and the fulfillment of the paschal lamb in Jesus Christ. After he came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah, he uses his knowledge of the feasts to share with non-Jews the history and symbolism of the Passover. Dr. Nadler is the president of Word of Messiah Ministries.
In the DVD large poster photos behind the speaker helps us understand some traditions in the Jewish life. The Passover is also called the Feasts of Unleavened Bread. Preparation must take place in the Jewish homes before the Seder meal by removing all products of yeast from the home. There are two reasons for the use of unleavened bread or Matza. The historical reason is the hasty retreat from Egypt when the Israelites had no time for the bread to rise. In addition there are references in the Old Testament that leaven is equated with sin. Jesus also told his disciples to beware the leaven of the false teachers. A clean home and a clean heart are needed for Passover.
Dr. Nadler walks us through a typical Seder meal and explains each part of the ceremony. We see the table set up for the Passover meal with four cups of wine, the special Seder plate and the candles on the table. Each cup has a special meaning and a specific order in the meal. The head of the house uses a book called Haggadah to lead the family through the Seder.
The Matzah Tash or bread bag is the most interesting to me. The Matzah Tash has three layers for three pieces of matzah. Dr. Nadler tells how the Triune God of Israel is represented in this demonstration. The middle piece that was broken, wrapped, and hidden represents Christ.
The head of household has the privilege of telling the Passover Story using various parts the book of Exodus.  Dr. Nadler clearly and briefly explains the plight of the Children of Israel in Egypt. The ten plagues God used to deliver them out of the hands of the pharaoh.
Though I have attended at least three demonstration of the Passover, Dr. Nadler gave many new facts and a more complete understanding of the fulfillment through Jesus. The explanation of Christ’s movements the last week before his crucifixion gave a clearer picture of his purpose as the Passover Lamb.
This would be an excellent video for a small group. The video can be paused and allow for more discussion. Online access to one PDF leader guide and one PDF participant guide can be printed for the participants.

 Rose Publishing has provided me with this advanced reader copy.

Following Jesus

Following Jesus
This 14 page pamphlet is very concise with instructions for a new Christian. The basics of forgiveness, salvation, prayer, and bible study are in very condensed form. It would not be intimidating to those newly saved, but could allay their fears on the reality of their salvation and encourage their belief that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Short answers about how to pray and read the Bible as well as the need for Christian fellowship would hopefully entice the reader to seek more knowledge of Christianity and the Bible. Trust is a big issue for any Christian: Am I really saved? How can God forgive what I have done? Is God really in control? Why does God allow suffering? Encouragement that this questioning is normal for Christians would be very helpful. One section outlines Spiritual Gifts, Giving, and Sharing. Sometimes as fellow Christians we don’t instruct our new members in these area and they can feel ill equipped to join into the fellowship. Pointing the young believer in the direction of a mentor or the pastor will help guide them to enjoy a full life in Christ. I can see how this might be a good resource for pastors to hand out to those who join the church. It would whet their appetite and get them thinking of other questions and issues related to living this Christian life to the fullest. This booklet was given to me by Rose Publishing for my honest appraisal.

What the Bible Says about Money

Three points on cover: Bible Promises for Money, Reasons to Give Generously, and How to honor God with your Finances. I can testify that you cannot out give God. It all belongs to Him anyway. The Attitude Scale is a unique tool that helps us realize our personal treatment of money in our lives. This booklet shows us the Danger of Money including an attractive chart of Bible Promises compared to Money’s False Promises. It highlights the benefits of giving and point out not only is it an obligation and a privilege, but it is a fundamental part of following Jesus. So many Christian believe they can’t afford to tithe, but this short book shows we can’t afford not to give back to God. A full page displays a colorful chart with Proverbs about money. In fact there are over 100 bible verses about money in this resource. Ten ways to honor God with your finances is followed by a comparative chart of nineteen Do’s and Don’ts with Money. Each one referenced with a scripture verse. This resource was given to me freely by Rose Publishing for an honest review.

Book of Acts PPT

I was anxious to review the PowerPoint show for ACTS because I plan to teach the study in 2017. The background chosen for the opening was really fresh and engaging. The animation for the introduction timeline using three or four slides was in-depth and informative. The timeline is a perfect teaching tool for Acts. Five major themes are listed for Acts. Under the Gospel theme there are eight speeches with Bible references. A unique slide for Missions compares Jesus and the Holy Spirit as they extend their influence into the world. A very instructive chart shows parallel actions by Peter and Paul the main leaders in Acts. The three divisions for the book of Acts are Mission to Jerusalem Chapters 1-7, Mission to Judea & Samaria Chapters 8-10 and Mission to the Gentiles Chapters 11-28. Slides show the step-by-step  conversion and ministry of Paul. Detailed are his three missionary journeys and other journeys prefaced by opening slide of the scripture, date, travelers, main route followed. Key players in the book of Acts merit their own slide including Matthias who replaced Judas, Ananias and Sapphira the deceitful duo, and Stephen our first Christian martyr.Thank you to Rose Publishing for providing this download for my honest review.

What the Bible says About Prayer 96 p. Booklet

This 96 page booklet has a wealth of scriptures on prayer. "Before you pray three things you should know" 1-God cares for you. 2-God hears your prayers. 3-You can pray with confidence. Many Christians forget the privilege afforded us by our special relationship with God through the precious blood of Jesus. We can approach the throne of God and lay our petitions at His feet.The book lists five good reasons on why we should pray giving scripture references as validation. Helpful things to help you learn to pray our instructive and insightful. "Prayer builds up our humility, dependence on God, And compassion for others. The author includes many full page quotes by famous writers including John Piper, Oswalt Chambers, and Martin Luther. Every topic is supported by scripture from the Bible and that this handy little book does a wonderful job of accessing scripture verses from the Bible. A few B andW photographs are scattered throughout the book. One of my favorite parts is the acronym for A.C.T.S. Which is an easy way to order your prayer starting with Adoration for who the Father, Confession so your prayers many be answered, Thanksgiving for all the LORD  has given us, and ending with Supplication, petitioning God for others. This is the method my Leaders Council follows each week as we pray conversational prayer aloud. Often people will turn their back on God because they think their prayers are not answered. One section on "How not to Pray" lists reasons why our prayers may not receive the answer we expect. Well known Bible characters are listed with their prayer personal prayers referencing scripture. The Lord's Prayer is taken from Matthew 6:9-3 and is broken down to show us the seven petitions in the Lords prayer, a great learning tool for adults and  children. The last 20 pages are labeled "Prayers in the Bible" the who, what, where, when, why, and how the prayer is used in the Bible: who said them and the scripture reference. This is a great tool for anyone lecturing or teaching on prayer. This book was given to me by Rose publishing for my honest review.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Fruit of the Spirit poster

My church has this large colorful poster nicely laminated of the Fruit of the Spirit in our Fellowship Hall where it can be seen by adults during meals and neighbor children during vacation bible school. Our children’s classrooms open into this hall. The poster is a perfect size for classroom instruction and can easily be removed from the wall and taken into the Sunday School rooms. This list of righteous Christian character traits was modeled by Jesus Christ who lived His life on earth as a perfect man. Although we as Christians strive to live like Jesus we fall short every day. This poster is a ready reminder to adults and children each time we see it. On the back of this sturdy 19.5" x 26" poster are four handouts that can be photocopied onto 8 ½” by 11” sheets to help with teacher instruction and provide students with a personal copy of the meaning of each fruit and the Bible reference of the Fruit of the Spirit, a Fruit of the Spirit Handout, a worksheet: Living by the Spirit, and a Fruit of the Spirit Coloring Page for Kids.

The Life of the Apostle Paul PowerPoint

The Life of the Apostle Paul PowerPoint is filled with information that could be a useful resource for many bible study lessons. My class will study 1and 2 Corinthians next fall and I plan on using information on the slides from Paul’s Second Missionary Journey to enhance my own PPT presentations. The Main Menu has a link to a variety of specific slides explaining who Paul was from the early years through his time as a missionary. There are links for each of his three missionary journeys, his final journey to Rome and well as 13 slides detailing his other trips. What I really enjoy about the slides on Paul’s journeys are all the map slides with animated line tracing each step of the trip. A previous bible study I attended asked participants to mark out on our maps the routes he took it was very difficult. Each of his journeys starts with the city of origin and draws the line to the next location on the trip. This is one of the most creative and valuable teaching tools in the PPT show.
Paul’s first missionary journey uses 22 slides color coded with a helpful timeline across the top. There are 8 slides of the very colorful and detailed map, plotting the trip with a red line. Each trip has maps, photos, artwork, as well as informational slides for key events and notable people. The cool thing about the menu links is you do not have to wade through the 174 slides to research one specific trip or jump to the slide on each letter or key teaching.

There are slides for each 13 letters of Paul’s in the bible providing an attractive multicolor chart detailing the key verse and theme of the letter, to whom and when and where it was written. This alone is a valuable resource for anyone teaching one of these books. Eight vocabulary slides highlight Paul’s key teachings in concise manner. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Twelve Tribes of Israel PPT

After 29 years of in-depth bible study and six years of lecturing on books of the bible I have used many resources to assimilate information for Old Testament history. This PowerPoint presentation of the Twelve Tribes of Israel is one of the most detailed studies that I have ever encountered.  My study and teaching of the gospels gave me knowledge of the tribe and lineage Jesus Christ, a descendant of Israel’s tribe of Judah. I really appreciate the detailed timeline from chronicling the years from the God’s call of Abram 2080 BC until the rebuilding of the temple 515 BC. The timeline requires five slides to display  all the details and also is available in a black and white printable resource. Each tribe has from 8 to 16 color coded slides with is the map for each tribe showing their placement in the Promise Land. As I prepare slideshows for the two classes I teach each week, it is very difficult to find detailed maps made to fit PPT. Not only are the slides colorful but they are very detailed with cities and regions and water features. This in itself is an awesome resource. Another key element is the 23 slides with the general information about the Israel’s history from Jacob encounter with angel of God through the fulfillment of Abraham’s promise in the Book of Revelation. A chart shows the birth order and the mother of each son, their symbol, and their placement around the tabernacle in the desert, as well as the color and stone on the breastplate of the High Priest. There are enough slides to produce a good study of each tribe. The tribe of Levi and the tribe of Judah are especially detailed. Colorful pictures of the Tabernacle and some well known figures along with black and white sketches add greatly to the PPT. This resource was give to me by Rose Publishing for my honest review.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Room for Hope

Kim Vogel Sawyer is one of my favorite authors for Christian historical fiction. Set during the depression years in Buffalo Creek, Kansas, Neva keeps the home fires burning while her husband travels over the state to obtain supplies for the mercantile. Her twins Bud and Belle wait patiently for their dad to arrive from his month long trip. Instead the sheriff from a neighboring town approaches with a wagon full of expensive furniture and three young children. The author's details and dialogue with the character paints such a vivid picture in my mind that often I feel as if I have watched a movie. The strong emotions battling in the mind of the mother is a delicate balance with her own twins and the three orphans placed in her care. The town goes from being supportive of the young widow to being critical and mean spirited. The outright rejection of  Neva  and all the children puts a strain of the family and the business which provides their lone support.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Time Crashers: Charge to Glory

Time Crashers: Charge to Glory is a book for elementary students. I liked the “choose you own ending” style of reading, but my route only gave me one puzzle. When I reached the end of the book the answers to all ten puzzles were listed. I always feel like I am missing something when I read a book like this. The 202 page book gives you choices along the way and you advance in the book to the end. Every choice leads to the safe return of the time travelers’ home from their search for Ethan Conway’s father. Each trip they take leads them into another era of time. This book has the three friends land in the middle of the Civil War. There were sketches of the battle in grayscale every five or six pages which would keep the attention of the reader in that time of history. The boys Ethan, Spencer, and Jake met famous people in history such as Clara Barton and Harriet Tubman with a guest appearance by President Abraham Lincoln. My grandson would probably enjoy this book since it had lots of details about the shooting and gritty actuality of the war. Interesting facts about the Civil War and these true heroes in our American history were included on the last pages of the book. The information about the black soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteers and their charge on Fort Wagner. This book was given to me for my honest review.

Friday, March 18, 2016

What the Bible says about Forgiveness

As I lie in the bed and read this on my iPad I was excited that this resource is filled with scripture for I truly think the only way we can forgive is through the grace and mercy of Jesus. This 96 page booklet has beautiful muted pages with quotes from famous and not so famous people about forgiveness.  Some quotes are familiar to me but others come from people who have suffered tragedy at the hands of others and are still able to forgive.  The contents include Forgiveness is Needed, Forgiveness is Possible, Forgiveness is Ongoing, Why Forgive, How to Forgive, Stories of Forgiveness in the Bible.  My favorite section of the book was page 41 and 42 entitled “Does Forgiveness mean Reconciliation?” I needed this section to help a family member who is eaten up with bitterness because she cannot forgive the hurt and injustice done to her. There are hundred bible verses are very helpful. This topic is extremely important in this day of lies and betrayal in government and in business. Churches and friendship can also harbor unforgiveness and rejection. Forgiveness is not easy but Jesus says we must forgive to be forgiven. I was give this booklet as a PDF for an honest review by Rose Publishing.

Temple Cutaway Wall Chart

This laminated wall chart would be excellent in a small class. The colorful charts numbers the articles in the temple court and the black and white handouts give a detailed description of each item. This would allow  the participates to compare the two temples. While the picture shows Herod’s Temple seems to be more elaborate and the Ten Bronze Basins with intricate engravings are missing. The beautiful and overly large Molten Sea (Brazen Sea/Laver) holding 10,000 gallons of water and supported by 12 bronze oxen for the priests to purify themselves is replaced with a smaller looking Brazen Laver. The most holy article the Ark of the Covenant is gone from Herod's Temple and only a foundation stone remains. The addition of place for slaughtering animals in added to the new temple. An outer veil and double folding door to separate the outer courts from the holy place as well the The Veil that separate the Most Holy Place. This is the temple that Jesus would have attended. The Temple Cutaway Wall Chart shows the differences in the building and the holy items within the first temple King Solomon built in 960 BC and the reconstruction done by King Herod in 20 BC expanded the temple complex. The flip side of the chart holds reproducible black and white image of the temples, ten questions, and two sheets of detailed information about the numbered articles in the colorful chart. As a Bible Study teacher for a large group of women, I use PowerPoint and have the large book with a DVD. This PDF files was given to me for my honest review.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Finding Comfort in Jesus

The beautiful cover in shades of blue lists four topics covered in the booklet. Immediately we are informed that grief doesn’t necessarily mean a death has occurred. Grief can include loss of friends, a job, a home, or a spouse by divorce. There are secondary losses  which interrupt our lives and change our daily routines.  Sprinkled through the 14 page pamphlet are wonderful promises from Jesus to comfort us through the stages of grief.  Finding Comfort in Jesus helps us know that sorrow is normal and scripture illustrate the trials and suffering of Bible characters such as David, Jeremiah, and Naomi. Jesus is our prime example of one who endured grief, betrayal, and suffering.  The story of Job the suffering servant in the Old Testament helps answer the age old question of why God allows this. The biblical character of Joseph is enlisted to help us find meaning in loss. Greater empathy for others, developing healthier priorities, a deeper communion with God, and new and renewed relationships give us a hope and a future. A special page with bible verses explaining Heaven comforts us. To realize God has prepared our final home in our life’s journey and to realize the glorious future and reunion waiting for us on the other side is the reason for our comfort. This PDF file was given to me for my honest review by Rose Publishing.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Seven Churches Of Revelation - PowerPoint

Having taught the study of Revelation twice over the last two years and making my own PowerPoint presentation, I can verify the quality of this ppt. The Seven Churches of Revelation has a total of 135 teaching slides. The muted background with many transparent images works well with the color coded header for each of the seven cities. It has excellent photos and graphics with just the right amount of animation to add interest. One favorite part is the charts highlighting the strength, fault, and promise for each church. Another detail I really like is the slides with colorful maps which animate a circle around the name of city to be studied. Background information, praise, and challenge slides personalize each letter to the churches.  But I have to say my very favorite are the slides highlighting Jesus’ character, words, and importance to the church and the world. The slides of each of the seven churches are end with a relevant question to the viewers challenging them to make a change for a better relationship with Jesus. There are 8 pages of worksheets and handouts of all the slides to make this a fulfilling bible study. This ppt was given to me by Rose Publishing for an honest review.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Life of Samson

This Rose pamphlet titled the Life of Samson gives loads of information and facts in a nutshell through many eye-catching charts, a timeline and a map of the events in Samson life. Samson was one of the best known of Israel’s judges. Many amazing facts about Samson are given such as his miraculous birth foretold by an angel, the fact that he was a Nazarite, and his many physical acts of strengths. Until I did a study of the book of Judges, I always thought of Samson as a hero delivering the people of Israel from the Philistines. As a Nazarite Samson broke many of his vows and was selfish in his pursuit of foreign women. The mercy and grace that God showered on the children of Israel shows us how He used Samson and Israel despite their disobedience and flawed behavior. One chart compares events in the life Samson and the nation of Israel. The cycle demonstrated in the book of Judges of Israel’s disobedience, oppression, and deliverance is shown in a bold graphic. This is a nice compact study tool for information on the life of Samson. Rose Publishing gave me this PDF file for my honest review.