100 Days of Prayer, is a Daily Devotional, written by Steve Arterburn fills 207 pages. The table of contents takes 3 pages to list the one hundred titles which include: Attitude of Gratitude, The Fullness of Christ, Too Busy, and Life Eternal. Each day presents an important thought, one bible verse, and a short explanation of the idea, followed by three or four quotes from notable authors. These quotes from famous Christian authors or historical figures are poignant and thought-provoking. This resource would be useful for someone who has limited time and desires a brief devotion. Since I mainly pray scripture promises back to my Heavenly Father, I wish there were more Biblical content for deeper enrichment. The daily prayer itself is short maybe five sentences at the most. I was disappointed that this devotional prayer guide did not provide some advice for those who do not know how to talk to God or are ill-equipped to approach Him with their problems. As a discipleship coach, the women who I guide through our Bible course do not really understand the purpose or the power of prayer. Some people may need a prayer devotional to offer instructions on how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer or other prayers from the Bible could be included. This book was given to me as a pdf file by Rose Hendrickson for an unbiased review.